Curiosity has landed!

Hopefully you all have heard that the newest rover sent to Mars by NASA has landed safe and sound.  This is an awesome moment and hopefully the start of a long and successful mission!  I for one am extremely excited to see what the rover can find.  The rover touched down in the Gale crater near the equator.

Now the rover will begin its examination of the martian soil looking for evidence of martian life in the past or even the present.  The rover was in development for about ten years before landing.  I sadly missed the live landing but I did watch the recording of the control room and watched the frame by frame on NASA TV.  It is good to see that some government funding is being spent for a good purpose.

Lets raise a glass to the people who made this mission possible and succeeded in landing the one ton rover right on target!

Curiosity Descent (YouTube)

Image of Curiosities descent
NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona Taken by 
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter all credit to them

Image from Curiosities Twitter feed

I am just geeking out here right now about the landing of the Curiosity rover so I am going to share some of it with you here.

This video clip discusses the waiting time between the rover landing and the control room back on Earth knowing if the rover crashed or landed successfully.

Seven Minutes of Terror

Next up is some information on Gale crater and what we know about it right now.

Info on Gale Crater


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