Being Yourself

Alright everybody!  I have an important announcement for you.  Your fellow human beings will judge you for your decisions throughout your life.  They will judge you for the cloths you wear, the music you listen to, even the friends you keep.  What can you do about this blatant judgment about your life?

You can turn and smile or flip them a finger if you so wish; however never let another human beings judgement affect how you act or your outlook on life (unless your outlook is particularly grim, then maybe ignore that last sentence).  Be the person you want to be no matter what anyone says.

You want to listen to loud rock music and read philosophy at meal times, good for you continue on with your life.  You want to wear a suit to class everyday speaking in an awesome Russian accent while drinking vodka like a boss, that is your prerogative.  

Do not be preoccupied with conforming to anybodies standards especially the standards of our society, we all know those are pretty messed up anyways.  So wake up, do what you love, experience what you desire, and live.  Remember this is your life; you make the rules.


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