DIY Coffee Liquor
I was looking at my alcohol selection last month and I realized it would be much cheaper if I could make my own liquor like coffee liquor and such. I decided to give it a go and with a little trip to the local grocery store I had all of the ingredients I required. The recipe advised that I let the finished product sit for a month but I feel a month of infusing was long enough. For my first attempt I am satisfied, next time however I am going to tweak the recipe a bit and see if I can balance the flavors more. Here is the recipe if anyone is interested in a little experiment.
- 2 cups water
- 4 cups sugar
- 1/4 cup instant coffee
- 2 cups of vodka
- 1 vanilla bean
- Coffee filters (to strain the grounds out of the final product)
Boil the water and sugar, when boiling add the coffee and remove from heat. When cooled add the vodka and the vanilla bean store this in a half-gallon bottle. Age until you are satisfied with the flavor. I had an empty wine bottle laying around which made for a great bottle to put back into the bar.
A word of warning: When I originally made this I didn't have a container large enough for it all to fit, so I split it into two containers each with a half of the vanilla bean. I believe the bean being broken led to a stronger vanilla flavor in the end. I don't mind but it is something to keep in mind.
The final product!
The above recipe made about 1.25 Liters of coffee liquor, with the cost being around $8 for all of the ingredients (less for the next batch as I have sugar now). Pretty cheap for the volume and the taste.
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