Construction Zone Safety and Common Sense

I currently work for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and I feel it is necessary to point out a safety tip or two for people who drive through construction zones.  I read earlier last week in the news that people travelling through the highway 65 project are moving or stealing the markers that are used to direct traffic at the work site.  I can not stress enough how incredibly dangerous and stupid that is.  The markers are there to improve safety on the job site and to direct traffic.  If something is moved it could cause injury or death.  If you see anybody doing this do as the article says and report them to the police.

Also, a few weeks back I went up to Superior to do road survey.  My main job was to walk along the road and measure the lengths of the painted lines all up the highway.  There were several occasions where I was alongside the road with proper signage to broadcast my presence yet people would not change lanes and ended up driving two feet away from me at 70 MPH.  Do Not Do This...  You will kill somebody.

What should you take away from this PSA:

Make sure you obey all of the signs and barriers in construction zones.  Make sure you slow down in construction zones (Fines are double in construction zones FYI) and give the workers some space.  Switch lanes if possible when people are out on the side of the road.  I promise you your date with the television is not more important than a persons life.   

Thank You

Personal Experience


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