
Showing posts from January, 2013

The Cassandra Project

As some of you might be aware, my favorite science-fiction author is Jack McDevitt.  I have found almost all of his books to be extremely entertaining and well written.  His stories typically have an element of mystery to them.  He has a knack for solving just enough of the mysteries to be satisfied, however I can always seem to come up with at least one alternative that seems plausible to me. The book entitled The Cassandra Project is centered around a mystery surrounding the Apollo program which occurred in the United States in the late sixties and early seventies.  The book centers around a few characters but mainly around a Jerry Culpepper who works in public relations for NASA. In the beginning of the book we learn that NASA is being slowly losing funding as the years go on (the novel takes place in the near future) and many believe the agency will be shut down.  NASA opens an exhibit to show off the achievements of the many astronauts in the progr...

Ronald Jenkees is a great musician

The title informs you of all the required facts needed to enjoy this mans music.  At the time of this post he has released three albums (all of which are only $12) each of these albums is packed full of great tunes. He creates all of his master pieces using a computer and a keyboard, on his website  he explains he does not have extensive formal music training, but just plays for fun.  He certainly has a knack for making music that just seems so right. Here are a few of my favorite tunes: Disorganized Fun Stay Crunchy and last but not least Red Lemonade (Remixed) Now that you all realize how awesome this mans' music is keep him in your bookmarks and buy some of his great music.

A New Year

While I am a few days late, I would still like to say Happy New Years to all of my readers.  I hope your holiday season has been filled with friends, family, and great times. Now onto the year 2013!